odd cats

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have an animal. A cat, you know. Some company. But you’re not allowed animals in the block. I can understand why, of course. There are quite a few people here. If everyone had an animal, what on earth would it be like? A zoo, probably. Whipsnade Zoo!
I don’t do so bad, though. I don’t bother with the idiot box much. I have all these books, you see. When I was working, I don’t think I ever read. Too busy travelling around, keeping the business afloat. To the Outer Hebrides, on one occasion. Sounds like a long way – and it was – but it was worth it. I think. Now, the furthest I manage is from the bedroom to the kitchen. Although sometimes, if the weather’s nice like today, I’ll drag these sorry old bones out into the front garden. There’s a little bench there, under the roses. I’ll take a book and sit there, and read, or just watch the world go by.

The odd cat.

6 thoughts on “odd cats

  1. Nothing better than sitting in the garden,sun shining,small libation at hand and reading.

    Simple pleasures Jim.


  2. Sounds like paradise to me…I’m sitting in my den at present surrounded by thousands of books, floor to ceiling…currently rereading a couple of Railway Detective books (light relief for my bus journey to/from work) and “Jack the Ripper at last?” by Helena Wojtczak (my current serious re-read; a biography of murderer George Chapman, it’s actually one of the best things I ever read)




  3. Thanks for the tip, Dave. Another one to add to the list. You can’t beat a bit of true crime – ‘In Cold Blood’ was amazing (in fact anything by Capote’s good – his short pieces in Music for Chameleons are great, too).


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