love beast trio shocker

King Kong, Godzilla and The Kraken in a throuple
They admit it’s niche but it keeps them supple
The key is planning King Kong explains
and it’s not as tough as swatting planes
I was sceptical at first confesses Godzilla
I was always what you might call vanilla
Kong gets mad when his paws get wet
so we compromise to avoid upset
Mostly we just hang, play with trains,
decimate armies with uprooted cranes
The usual stuff monsters do
It’s just we do it in a three not a two
And the key to their happiness? That’s so tricky!
Kong’s quite hairy! Kraken’s slippy!
Godzilla admits to occasional flaws
sometimes reverts to fangs and claws
but they’re always open and try to talk
forget devastation, go for a walk
meet up for lunch with a hot bus or silo
stomp down the streets of New York or Cairo
Will it last? It’s hard to say
They wasted Acapulco yesterday!
There’s no such thing as a permanent structure
but they definitely feel stronger: paw, claw and sucker

enormous big horror spiders from mars or wherever

Dan, a hanger-left-in-the-jacket type
stands at the console gnawing his pipe
sighs, jangling the change in his pockets
watching the scientists prep the rockets

‘General – it’s almost half past eight!
‘If we don’t act now we’ll be too late!’
‘Damn it, Dan! We’re doing our best!
‘If you can do better, man – be my guest!’

‘Fine!’ says Dan, grabbing his fedora
‘Arrivederci signore, signora’
Cut to: Dan strapped in a seat
waxing his hair to keep it neat

His fiance Janet looks in to say
he’s the smartest fool in the USA
they smooch a while and smoke cigars
five minutes later they’re landing on Mars

they climb down the ladder, just her n’him
(someone plays a theremin)
suddenly Janet bites her knuckle
hears a spidery kinda chuckle

her perfectly made-up blue eyes widen
Martian spiders on the horizon!
she falls to the ground; Dan tries to raise her
nerfs at the bugs with a bougie laser

nothing works; they just keep comin’
clackers smackin’, feelers drummin’
Janet says hold me, Dan just grimaces
‘Let’s get married with spiders as witnesses’

the spiders prime their spinnerets
snap their jaws like castanets
snack on the duo then turn their antenna
on the screaming people in the cinemma

ripping up seats, crunching metals
tossing the audience back like pretzels
stomp outside through the screams and honks
munching Manhattan, Long Island, The Bronx

Montanna, Idaho, Massachusetts
with a hyperactive mass of chew sets
Canada, Ireland, Mozambique
a world-beating smorgasbord, so to speakants

then with everything horribly shook up
they stop where they are and suddenly look up
see you reading this poem there

monster movie

a scary piece of shit
with teeth n’claws n’shit
mean as shit
runs in like shit
does a lot of really bad shit
ends up trading the shit
with a quippy hero shit
who’s certainly learned some shit
since he started this shit
and he sends the scary piece of shit
to hell and shit
and you think shit
that was some close shit
but oh shit
the scary piece of shit
unexpectedly jumps back in the shit
and it’s like oh shit
but the quippy hero shit
improvises some clever shit
and the scary piece of shit
gets smashed all to shit
and the quippy hero shit
wipes the gooey shit
from his shirt and shit
smirks and says shit
man – way to lose your shit
and you think shit
that scary piece of shit
is DEFINITELY coming back and doing shit
in a shit sequel
or an even shitter prequel
and you’re absolutely right about that